THEM BUZZED, a project by The Queer Agenda, showcases the portraits of 18 queer women and non-binary individuals, each proudly embracing their buzzcut, an emblem of courage, vulnerability, and empowerment.
Stripped of societal expectations and norms, these individuals shed societal shackles and emerge as strong and authentic beings.
For some, the buzzcut represents a liberation from the burden of conforming to genderedbeauty standards. It becomes an opportunity to redefine what it means to be feminine or masculine, embracing a fluidity that transcends traditional boundaries.
For others, it’s just an easy morning hairdo.
shot on Kodak Portra 400, 135 mm Photographer: Micklin Korsuize, she/her (1998) Art Director: Jackie van Gemert, she/her (1997)
Prints for sale, contact for possibilities.
@thequeeragenda.ams / thequeeragenda.ams@gmail.com @micklin.i @elsjackievangemert
The Queer Agenda
for Queer Pride Amsterdam July 2023
shot on Kodak Portra 400
for Queer Pride Amsterdam July 2023
shot on Kodak Portra 400
Shanisa Cecilia (she/her)
Charlie mcKee (all pronouns)
Sasha Wittenberg (she/her)
Robin Aïsha (she/her)
Yinzk (they/them)
Dionne (she/her)
Julia (they/them)
Suzy Faiz
Rubia Serena (she/her)
Pauli Mast (they/them)
Roos Ferrero
Lora Du Ry
Kween Qoutainy (they/them)
Milou Elbersen (she/her)
Lotte Joordens (she/her)
Marley Samuels
Nik Lagare (she/her)
Kanea Indigo (they/them)
Alex (she/her)
Prints for sale, contact for possibilities